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50 XP Purchase - 4,500

Basic Prosthetic - 5,000

For replacing missing limbs, no additional functionality or nerve integration. 

Robotic Pet - 7,500

You get a robotic pet to accompany you.

Job change - 20,000
Your level does not change, but you may rearrange your stats to the according occupation.

Private Invite - 100,000

Invite someone into the group after the application acceptance time has closed. Moderators must approve.

Second Character - 85,000 

Allows you to add a second character. 
Starts at any Level you have already purchased and level up in sync with future leveling purchases.

Third Character - 100,000
Allows you to add a third character

Starts at any level you have already purchased level up in sync with future leveling purchases.

Anchor 1



Anchor 2






Name a disease - 5,000
If multiple users purchase this item, it must be bidded.

First aid kit - 15,500
Adds 20 additional health once in battle or during an emergency medical treatment. This item can be reused and does not need to be purchased again.


Name a planet - 10,000

If multiple users purchase this item, it must be bidded

Discover a species - 7,500
Make the name of a known animal that the research department has just discovered.


Character file - 10,000
You purchase the access to private Character documents of the Osprey Service record to get a better analysis of your patients' pre-session.

Anchor 3


Level 2 - 300 XP

Your character levels up to level two with one additional stat to distribute.
You should have 11 points total after this purchase


Level 3 - 600XP

Your character levels up to level three with one additional stat to distribute.
You should have 12 points total after this purchase.
2 Months purchase


Level 4 - 1,200XP
Your character levels up to level four with one additional stat to distribute.
You should have 13 points total after this purchase.
4 Months purchase


Level 5 - 2,400XP

Your character levels up to level five with two additional stat to distribute.
You should have 15 points total after this purchase. 
6 Months purchase


Level 6 - 4,800XP

Your character levels up to level six with two additional stat to distribute.
You should have 17 points total after this purchase.
10 Months purchase


Level 7 -  9,000

Your character levels up to level seven with two additional stat to distribute.
You should have 19 points total after this purchase.
1 year 2 Months Purchase


Level 8 -  Not available 

Your character levels up to level eight with three additional stat to distribute.
You should have 22 points total after this purchase.

1 year 6 Months purchase


Level 9 - Not available 

Your character levels up to level nine with three additional stat to distribute.
You should have 25 points total after this purchase.
2 year purchase


Level 10 - Not available

Your character levels up to level ten with three additional stat to distribute.
You should have 28 points total after this purchase.

2 year 6 months Purchase


All items increase a stat point in only one skill for a single use in battle. The exception is Endurance which lasts the duration of one full battle. 

Steroid Buff - 50 XP

A temporary single use buff for Strength one point in the stats for a roll

Double Steroid Buff - 250 XP
A Temporary buff that increases one extra point for two rolls. 
Requires Steroid buff purchase

Weak body shield - 50 XP
Temporary buff for the duration of one battle, adds additional stat point to Endurance. 

Added Shield - 250 XP
Adds an additional point to endurance.
Requires Weak body shield Purchase


Adderall Buff  -  50 XP

A temporary, single use buff for Intelligence by one point in the stats for a roll.


Double Adderall buff  - 250 XP
Adds an additional point to Intelligence for two rolls. 
Requires Adderall Buff purchase

Temporary stabilizer - 50 XP
A single use buff for Dexterity by one point in the stats for a roll.

Doubled Stabilizer - 250 XP
Adds an additional stat point is added to Dexterity for two rolls. 
Requires Temporary stabilizer purchase 

Energy drink - 50 XP
A single use buff for Speed by one point in the stats for a roll

Double shot Energy drink - 250
Adds an additional stat point to speed for two rolls.
Requires Energy drink Purchase


Upgraded Robotic Prosthetics - 1,000 XP

When you don’t just want to replace the limb,  you want to be able be able to feel it or imbue it with super-human abilities (two additional stat point) [Requires Level 7 Character] 
Basic prosthetic purchase required.


Advanced Prosthetics - 2,500XP

On earth, such incredible technologies for body modification were limited only to the people of Eden - the Osprey is more egalitarian (Two additional stat points)  [Requires Level 10 Character and Upgraded purchase.]


Double dice roll - 2,500 XP

Allows you to roll an additional move in combat for every battle. 

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